Gostand is an leading edge ergonomic furniture company based in the UK. All of us at GoStand are committed to bringing active office furniture to you the consumer at the best price and best quality possible. We source all our furniture direct from the manufacturing plant to bring great value products to your door. All our products are checked for compliance to UK norms and regulations and all our manufacturing sites are audited for ISO9001 compliance. We also have a design team who can not only design your office layout but also design some of our own proprietary products. We hope you like them!
Our specific focus is the active office so we love sit-stand desks for their ability to get you on your feet and moving around all day. Active stools are great for keeping your core and back muscles engaged and working during the day. Monitor arms will keep your monitor at the correct height and prevent head forward and muscular and skeletal issues. Put all this together and you can retire from life in office with a healthy core, spine and neck and hopefully a trim waistline.
So there you have it a little about our belief in what good ergonomic design can do for your body. We try to achieve this with contemporary and modern furniture which will look good in any office. So please have a look and if you need help just get in touch.